Amazing game!
This is one of my favourite game-series, and I can't wait for part 3. Before I write the actual review, I wanna talk about medals:
Bad Doggy: When you make the bridge appear, cross it, and then run away from the wolf (let him catch you before you leave the bridge screen). You can't have the evil arrow or the bone yet.
Between a Rock and a Hard Rock: Get squished between the two rocks held by the evil spirit that has the old man's face.
Big Brother: Save Gretel (pretty self-explanatory)
Free Bird: Next to the bridge, Hansel seems to be too close to that ledge. How about giving him a little push?
Frosty Impaler: try to get the bone AND the evil arrow (light both lamps).
Got Wood?: Eat two wooden things (with the stickman) or eat the cake.
Gut Busting: Walk on the bear trap.
Here Doggy!: Choose the bone, and throw it to the wolf.
Metal Meal: Have Hansel grab the scissors (scissors icon for the fairy), then tell him to use them (scissors icon again).
Never Hit an Old Man: Do exactly the opposite ;)
Revenge: Hit Hansel until he hits you back.
Saviour: Save the other two kids by choosing (and eating, don't worry, you won't die) the meat options (leg, arm, fish).
Sensory Overload: Get the eye, ear, and mouth on the statues (They are at the three head shrines) hint: hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil. Hint2: kill the fawn, evil book at the stickman's kitchen, water the plant by the bridge.
Slayer: Choose the evil arrow and use it to kill the wolf.
Snip Snip: Order Hansel to get the scissors, then make the fairy fly close to the scissors.
Spiked: Walk over the pit next to the fawn, dead tree, and shrine.
SSSSSSURPRISE!: Walk over the swamp without Hansel (self-explanatory).
Swan Dive: Jump into the pond next to the skull-tree.
Weather Master: Solve the weather puzzle. There is one piece missing, you need to use the glasses around the skull-tree and dig where you find the dirt. Open eye with sun makes daytime, crying eye with raincloud makes rain, closed eye with moon makes nighttime.
Where's my Arm?: Pet the bear (self-explanatory).
A Trusty Hat: Get the old man's face and hat back (wait for the rocks to hit before crossing, then use the shovel to pull the evil spirit's head out of the ground).
A Woman's Tears: Get the woman's face back (change the weather to sunny, the flower will open and inside will be the evil spirit).
Til Part 3...: Finish the game (self-explanatory).
Grimm Master 2: Get all the deaths first, then finish the game.
Birdie (SM1): Hit the hand that appears out of a tree.
Liberal Animation (SM4): Hit the hanging rabbit 10 times before killing it.
Sorceress (SM6): Get 1000 points in the head-clicking game.
Your Head Essplode! (SM7): In nighttime, eat some 'shrooms!
Holy Shhhhhh (SM8): Get 5000 points in the head-clicking game.
I am missing 3 secret medals, one I think has to do with the owl at the eye tree, and another with climbing the skull-tree after getting all deaths (I had the evil arrow when I crossed the bridge so accidentaly killed the wolf and didn't get the last death). Any help is appreciated!
As my review title says, amazing game. I loved the first installment, and this one was simply: BETTER. I love the style, the story, the music score, and the puzzles (though I admit I sneak-peeked the walkthrough once). There qre still q few bugs, where things dissapear and then reappear, or no-clip moments (if that term applies here), but considering the work and length of the game, I wouldn't bother too much with those. This game and its prequela actually have me considering writing a short story on it, a sort of creepy version of Hansel and Gretel. It'll all depend on how much time I've got on my hands. Anyways, congratulations on a wonderful second installment, and I'll be waiting for (an even better) third!! 10.